Return of the Bible Study
The Word is many things. But I believe the most important one is that the Holy Scriptures lead us into relationship and understanding of the gracious, merciful, loving, Heavenly Father.
Matt Davenport
1/27/20253 min read
As I have said before, the main purpose of this copy is to walk through the Word of God. That will always be my key purpose. But from time to time, I will write something I feel the Holy Spirit is leading me into. So that is this. At the same time, this is still geared toward the Bible Study.
I may even, now and then, have commentary on life and the raucous mess about us. We’ll see.
Growing up in church, a Bible Study was a regular thing. We had Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, and Thursday or Wednesday Night. Some folks would add a day for Bible Study. Some churches would have Sunday evenings set aside specifically for that. How ever they got it done; the Word was a big part of the week.
Now a days, it’s most common to only have one or two services a week. Many churches find other ways to access time with God as a group, but services are definitely less in frequency. And Bible Studies directly are less to a point that they are quite seldom. But something has been rising in the Body these last few years that are causing a disruption in this falling off.
But it’s not so much in church.
I am not a big fan of social media. But my opinion on the matter means littles. It creates a lot of bad things that I am not going into. Yet one of the most positive things that it has done is allowing people from all over the world to connect. Maybe it’s not as good as face to face, but there is a reality in these connections that is remarkable and wonderful.
Part of that is the awesomeness of total strangers coming to know each other. That is always a wonderful thing and God loves that. The Word of God is being taught to the nations through social media and entertainment websites.
My wife and I began an online Bible Study six years ago this last December. It was awkward and downright hilarious at first. It was haphazard at best and there was nothing spectacular about it. But we felt God was doing it. We already had a morning Bible Study at our kitchen table, we just turned a camera on.
It’s grown a lot since then and we have a number of beautiful people that join us. Next month (February) we are starting an in-person Bible Study in the rec room here in the park we live in. We are very excited about it. We are not pastors. Not scholars. Just people who love the Word!
Let me be honest with you, even after the Holy Spirit filled me at 13 years old, I found Bible Study boring. As the next few months pass, I will be writing more about some of the keys to making the Daily Word in your life more exciting. In the last six years, the “need” to read and study the Bible has been replaced by passion. Passion to know and understand the Word on a level I’ve never thought possible. I believe with everything in me that passion for the Word is something that has gone by the way side for most of us. But in this time God has led me to a place where that passion has returned. I love to read the Word of God every day and cannot imagine that ever changing.
So, how does that work for someone who struggles with reading it? Well, like myself, you must first recognize that you NEED to read it. One of the biggest struggles we all experience is realizing there are things we MUST do because they lead to greater things. We have a ton of questions and issues with reading the Bible, but the bottom line is that we do need to read it.
Why? Well, I will leave you with this first tidbit that might tantalize you towards daily study. This is the first of many.
The Word is many things. But I believe the most important one is that the Holy Scriptures lead us into relationship and understanding of the gracious, merciful, loving, Heavenly Father. You want to know the God that made you? Start off by reading the Book He gave us. In time, you will not only come to love the Word, but you will come to know the Author. That alone will (should) inspire you for more!

Linn County, Oregon
B i b l e S t u d y L i f e