
Did you know that money and the processes involved in its use was God's idea? It's true. And the one verse that speaks correctly about how money can damage us is one of the most often mis-quoted verses in the Bible? It is...

"Money is the root of all evil."

Wrong! It is "For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10

So there is nothing wrong with having money and using money. We, however, get into trouble when it becomes our focus. When we begin to love it and become greedy for it more than we use it to do God's work. This is a simple lesson in tithing and giving to the good causes of the Church and the positive actions around us. Including secular (non-Church) activities that help people in various ways.

So you say you want to help us? With finances? Here's a simple list of things you can do that will help us in our ministry. These are listed by their importance to the work we do.

1. Pray for us. Pray we will reach others around the world with the Gospel and the encouragement to get back into God's Word.

2. If you wish to support us financially, know that we are not a "non-profit" organization at this time. We are in the process, but, as it happens, that process cost money. However, we are not refusing financial gifts, but they will go first to the cost of the 501 (c) to gain our non-profit status.

Please contact us with any other questions.