The Word Given: Duplication

The world has a weapon that it uses against our children. It's called public schools.


Matt Davenport

1/24/20252 min read

Genesis 1:24-25
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

God's plan was always duplication. Trees duplicate. Birds duplicate. Animals duplicate. This is the most efficient form of growth. Cells, seeds, and behaviors. It's the plan set down before the stars were made and it remains the process even today.

This is why we often have the struggle of criminals raising criminals. With humans, the duplication goes beyond genetics. A child not only looks like their parent, but they mimic their actions. Which is why the way we raise our children is so important.

In the same fashion, the way we live for God will be copied by our kids. Now, that said, the influence over our kids should be a priority. The world has a weapon that it uses against our children. It's called public schools.

Wait... You're saying that schools are a danger to kids? Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Many of those who run our public schools are as worldly as they can be. I'm not suggesting that we remove our kids from the classroom (but it's an option). In truth there is a large percentage of our teachers and school faculty that do, indeed, chase after the Lord in their lives and take the responsibility of their influence very seriously. But we must be busy duplicating the Lord's presence in our children and our influence in them is how that is done. We need Jesus in the home constantly to prepare them for the non-God influence they will struggle with in public school.

If you're paying attention, you're already seeing this. Our kids today are most heavily influenced by everything but God. To duplicate God in their lives, we must deliver Him in every moment we have them!

How seriously do you take your influence over your children? What will you do to make it stronger than the public school system?