The Word Given: Elohim

The moment you understand God fully is the moment you have failed to know Him at all.


Matt Davenport

1/13/20252 min read

The concept of the Trinity is kind of mind numbing. And it should be. Why? Because we are not talking about the "man behind the curtain". We're not talking about the top movie star or politician. Even the Trumps and the Musks of the world. In fact, put the name of the greatest person you know of in this spot and realize that God is so much bigger, it's like comparing an atom to the sun. The biggest, best, most amazing person ever to exist is miniscule compared to God.

Not just in size, but in all things!

If we start the study with that truth, then we are well on our way to grasping far more than we otherwise could. Including the basics of the Trinity.

In the beginning, God... That word "God" is not just a singular word referencing the Creator, but it is actually "Elohim" in the Hebrew language in which it was first written. God's Word, Moses penned. This word is the "plurality" of of the word "god".

Okay, plurality. Plural. Meaning more than one. In that moment when God began the creation of the world and all the Universe, He was not alone.

It wasn't because He needed help. Can you imagine that? God needing help with something? No, it was because the plurality of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is part of Who He is. So when the Earth was formed, the Trinity already existed.

The amount of topics that can be discussed about the Beginning is endless, so we could choose any number of things to consider. But the Trinity is often relegated to the New Testament. As though it is a relatively new idea. But it's not.

God the Father (God), God the Son (Jesus), and God the Spirit (Holy Spirit) are separate, but wholly united as One. We are desperate to explain everything by our singular, finite mind and understanding, but this not easily explained or understood.

"How do we make this a part of us, still? I don't get it, how can I believe in something I don't get?"

Well, that is why it is called faith and not proof. We believe in things we cannot always understand. It's an absolute for Christianity. We must in order to grow.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Think about that! Without faith we cannot please God and therefore, we cannot know Him.

So here's your challenge: As you study the Word of God, it is vital to understand a very important truth that will always cause you to stumble until you get it. The moment you understand God fully is the moment you have failed to know Him at all. Many things about our life as God's Children will be hard to grasp. Not only is that okay, it is an imperative need! A God that can make a star is not a God we frail-mined humans are going to be able to completely explain. But it is a God that we can know if we are willing to seek Him out without having to understand everything about Him.

The irony is that part of growing and maturing is to seek to know Him more and more all the time!