"In the beginning..."
The Word of God is here in order that we might better grasp our origins. So that the only fully sentient creation on Earth may understand enough of their unrestrained Maker to seek and come to know Him.
Despite the Word having many purposes and reasons, ultimately it is to introduce us to God and show us the way to have a relationship with Him.
Today in these wild times, we have the privilege to know the grace of Him sacrificing Himself as God the Son in order to have that relationship. And the world around us suffers anguish and destitution being without that connection.
The struggle of mankind is real and desperate. The peace and joy and grace that we live in as Christians is the very answer to all that the world deals with and refuses to seek out. Oh, the irony!
As we start into the Word of God, it's vitally important to acknowledge several things:
Creation was never random. God didn't just build the world one day because he was bored or feeling creative. All this was part of a plan.
The theory of evolution leaves massive gaps in answering the questions of life. None of it is true. And there are a lot of different ideas. Ultimately evolution is about a godless group of individuals that want answers. Of which they cannot get apart from God. So they ask questions and then use what unanswered evidence they have, combined with a way to avoid God, coming up with the answer that most fits their agenda. Don't be fooled.
It's been said that the Bible is God's love letter to us. It is. But it is also a book that Describes the Nature of God in as much as we can grasp. It is also a book that explains our origins. In fact it is a book of "do's and don'ts", contrary to some people's thinking.
We wish to place a simple moniker on it, but in the end, the Bible pushes off the titles and basically stands alone as the most significant book ever written. BECAUSE, it is written by God.
Last year, I read the Bible cover to cover. Partly because I hadn't done that in a long time and partly because it's a good habit. I actually did it in about 10 months. My plan was to do it again this year, but I have a hard time reading without stopping to truly absorb. So this year I decided to read and study through it. Because of that, I am studying my way through. It might take 10years instead, but I will take 1 chapter of the Old Testament and then 1 chapter of the New Testament. And in that process, I will share my commentary with you! I am calling this The Word Given.