The Word Given: The Deep

Before we come to know God and allow Him to change us, we are spiritually void, dead, and formless.


Matt Davenport

1/14/20251 min read

Genesis 1:2
"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

Before we come to know God and allow Him to change us, we are spiritually void, dead, and formless. Our spirit is just a blob of nothingness inside us, deep and filled with darkness. But the Holy Spirit hovers over us, just waiting for the moment we open to Him and let Him come inside where He changes us to something wonderful and beautiful.

Then suddenly, God yells, "Let there be light!" And we see everything! We see His grace and goodness. We see how we can be saved. We see the world through different eyes! We see possibilities that weren't there before!

Isn't it amazing how much we can see and experience when the light gets turned on? The world is stuck in the darkness and lost trying to make everything work on their own.

We will go so far as to work our entire lives trying to make people live in peace. We try to explain how important life is and get people to respect each other. Our focus is stop guns and let people have abortions! But the reality is we don't even begin to understand freedom or peace until we get what it means to know God, the very inventor of peace and love.

You cannot become anything more than a pile of bones covered in a bag of skin until you know your Creator. Then everything is possible because all that you are looking for for the world around you (Peace, love, joy, etc.) begins to grow inside of you!

Then you are ready to make it happen with others!